Driving in Croatia

When arriving in Croatia by car you are required to carry a valid driving license, car registration card and your Green Card (proof of car insurance). Rent-a-car customers must have international driving license. Motorcycle drivers must have “International Motor Third part Liability Insurance document.“

Traffic regulations

Speed limit:

  • 50 kph – within settled areas
  • 90 kph – outside settled areas
  • 110 kph – major roads
  • 130 kph – motorways

Headlights – must be always turned on during the winter time. In the summer time (Daylight saving time), only if road conditions are bad, but it’s advised to keep them turned on always – for your own safety.
Mobile phones – use is forbidden, except for hands-free systems.
Alcohol – permitted blood level of alcohol 0.5 ‰.
Seatbelts – obligatory for all passengers.


Croatia has developed network of motorways. They operate on a toll system: upon entering the motorway, you take a ticket from the toll booth machine. Do not lose your ticket because when exiting, you present your ticket and pay the person at the toll booth for the distance that you have traveled.

Toll fees can be paid in cash (Kunas, or Euros) as well as by debit/credit card. Toll rates can be found on the Croatian Motorways website.

Gas Stations

Most of them are open from 07.00 – 22.00 every day. In large cities, and on the motorways gas stations are open 24/7.

Roadside assistance

Hrvatski autoklub (HAK)

Road assistance

  • from Croatia: (+385 1) 1987
  • from abroad: +385 1 4693 700
  • E-mail : 1987@hak.hr

Traffic information:

  • from Croatia: 072 777 777
  • from abroad: +385 1 464 0800
  • E-mail : info@hak.hr (Traffic information)

Breakdown and towing service

Breakdown service: For HAK clubs and its affiliated local clubs throughout the country, dial +385 1 1987 from mobile or landline phone. Breakdown service is available 24 hours a day.

Towing service: Available 24 hours a day throughout the country.

Help, advice and information

Touring services: Information on customs, travel itineraries, free of charge. Recommendation of hotels, garages.

Road information:

  • 24 hours a day, call: 072 777 777 (from Croatia) or +385 1 464 0800 (from abroad)
  • via radio (in Italian, English, and German during the summer season), TV and press.

E-mail: info@hak.hr (Road information)

Legal service: Legal advice, assistance and consultation free.

HAK applications for smartphones

Croatia Traffic Info is a must-have app intended for tourists traveling to Croatia. It provides detailed traffic and travel information, as well as roadside assistance services and is available in English, German, Italian and Croatian language.

App overview

Everything a driver needs when traveling to Croatia is available right here in this app published by the national automobile club in Croatia – HAK.

Croatia Traffic Info provides an overview of the most needed travel information, such as:

  • detailed traffic conditions report (road conditions on high ways, border crossings, ferry terminals)
  • traffic limitations and traffic forecast for tomorrow
  • more than 150 live images from webcams, on most important roads in Croatia
  • current fuel prices
  • a comprehensive POI database (15.000+ POIs) consisting of airports, camping sites, banks, ATMs, hospitals, hotels, post offices, post boxes, kiosks, pharmacies, national parks, nature parks, stores and retail chains, tourist boards, police, wellness, etc.
  • a detailed list of 700 gas stations with current fuel prices and fuel types available for each one
  • a toll calculator for Croatian motorways

Roadside Assistance

If you would require roadside assistance services anywhere in Croatia, HAK is here to help you. Just press the button for help and our 24/7/365 service center will receive your exact location and help will be on its way.

Where’s my car?

Find your way back no matter where you’ve parked your car with the WHERE’S MY CAR feature. Save your location when you park and find your way back with turn-by-turn pedestrian navigation (Google Maps).

Emergency help & delivery at sea

If you find yourself stranded at sea, press the button for help and our partner will organize emergency seaside assistance.